5) State aid rules on environment and energy to be amended to support the European Green Deal |
The State Aid Modernisation |
Rules on State aid have been part of the constitutional framework of the EU/EC/EEC since the 1957 Treaties of Rome. Based on societal, political and economic developments, State aid rules have changed over time. In particular since May 2012, the EU has seen a major reform of EU State aid rules: The State Aid Modernisation. This allows Member States to quickly implement State aid that fosters investment, economic growth and job creation, leaving the Commission to focus its State aid control on cases most liable to distort competition. As part of the State Aid Modernisation, the Commission has revised a considerable number of State aid rules since 2013.
The rules need to be aligned to future challenges, in line with the Commission's priorities. In particular, State aid can, and should, contribute even further to the European Green Deal, as well as to the EU's Digital and Industrial Strategies. In particular, the revision of the energy and environmental rules will have to facilitate appropriate measures further promoting a modern decarbonised and circular economy, while ensuring limited distortions of competition and adequate safeguards to the integrity of the single market. This is key, given the past and, most crucially, future budgetary constraints combined with the necessity to support the recovery of the EU economy in the aftermath of the coronavirus crisis.
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➥ State aid rules on environment and energy to be amended to support the European Green Deal
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