Water projects and water management support will be provided to Iraq in exchange for oil


Water projects and water management support will be provided to Iraq in exchange for oil



Türkiye; It will provide project support to the Iraqi administration on the good management and economical use of the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Türkiye will finance the projects with the oil it will purchase from Iraq.


 Ankara - The "Framework Agreement on Cooperation in the Water Field between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Republic of Iraq", approved by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, was published in the Official Gazette yesterday.

The issues agreed upon by Turkey and Iraq in the Decision Concerning the Approval of the Framework Agreement on Cooperation in the Water Field between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Republic of Iraq (Decision Number: 8836) are as follows:

■Turkish companies specialized in infrastructure, environment and water protection, sustainable and effective use of water resources, water desalination projects, flood and drought protection, irrigation and sewage networks, wastewater treatment and collection, purification and reuse of industrial wastewater, by the Republic of Iraq Participation in the tender processes to be announced upon invitation.

■There will be cooperation in the field of implementation of joint projects on the development of sustainable water management in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and their best use in various fields such as agriculture, industry, municipal and drinking water in Iraq.

■Expertise projects will be implemented in Iraq on the construction of water infrastructure and collection systems, dam safety and improvement of existing dams.

Projects will be financed in the most appropriate way to be agreed upon. The financing of each project will be met through a system based on Turkey's oil purchases from Iraq, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

to read the agreement please click on 


Source: https://www.milliyet.com.tr/gundem/iraka-petrol-karsiliginda-su-destegi-verilecek-7173051

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