HPA Interactive  Roundtable Conference has concluded : "Renewables  need to be developed and  strategic target must be a decarbonizied economy against climate change”

  July 9 201 8 HPA News Ankara-   Hydro Politics  Association (HPA) Round Table Conferences Series continues.    Last one was organised  in the Association Center in Ankara on  On July  7 2018 . invited  representatives from Engineering  chambers , academics  and   energy expert participated the interactive round table meeting about “What is the role of Renewable Energy against climate change effects” In the begining of meeting  President of HPA , energy and water policies specialist Dursun Yıldız made a  presentations and open the floor invited  experts for contrubution . During   this presentation   the round table conference participants made their comments and evaluations about presented key points on the issue. Interactive round table conference -discussion continued responding to the following questions
  • The Basic Goal Is Low Carbon Economy or Renewable Energy?
  • Why is the rate of productivity in solar energy  still low?
  • From the beginning of 21 st Century ,Renewable Energy installed capacity have  reached  2 500 000 MW in the world . Has it  only  meet increasing  energy demands?
  • Can biodiesel and ethanol be used as renewables instead of fossil fuels affect global food safety ?
  • Hydroelectric Energy Is Renewable Energy ?
  • Will renewable targets be realistic without developing hydropower ?
  • Is there any harm in putting zero carbon targets ?
  • Is the development of renewable resources harmful ?
  • Are unrealistic targets dangerous for the climate change struggle?
  • What are the consequences of exaggerating the role of renewable resources in the fight against climate change ?
  • Are those who say it is too late to fight climate change, but that only precautions will be taken in this regard, are they aware of 100% renewable targets ?
  • So far, wind and solar energy investment have reached a total of 2000 Billion $ .Has this investment be helpfull enough to start reducing  CO2 emissions .
  • When the energy production efficiency ( 18 % ) from solar energy, which is still too low, when this  increase with the new generation of panels, which countries will be solar waste garbage ?
  • Is solar and wind energy production ensured that renewable energy is a solution when storage technology develops ?
  • Is only one of the vehicles for the target of transitioning to renewable energy sources to the low carbon economy ?
  • Is switching to a low-carbon economy just waiting for these developments in renewable energy ?
During the round table meeting obstcales of transition to   low carbon  economy  were  also considered . Tecnological development on energy storage system were discussed and it’s effect was taken into account for  the future of renewable energy use. In the conference -discussion , some international organizations road map report to reach   100 % renewable energy transition target has been found a bit unrealistic. In the conference ,the most important question has arised related with the  energy future of heating system. Although heating accounts for more than %40 of total final energy  demand -more than the entire power sector -it doesn’t rank on the agenda in energy debates.Till now  there was much less awarenes about the role of renewables in the heating sector and was not sepesifically discussed. Therefore the question was “how renewables could transform the heating sector  and what Technologies could be best utilised?” In the World, on one side the renewables effect on decarbonized future of the World  is discussed,on the other hand the  new oil and natural gas  platform drilling efforts are still very active in the Arctic and Eastern Med as well as Central Asia. Therefore  participant of the meeting  considered  that transition to the zero carbon industry wont be very fast and smooth. Hydro politics Association  Interactive Round Table  Conference  minutes of meetings  will be  relased in the HPA web site in soon. HPA Interactive Roundtable meeting participants HPA News.  

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