D.Yıldız: Food has become a matter of Geopolitics

  D.Yıldız: Food has become a matter of Geopolitics World Food Day 2016 Symposium -Ankara/Turkey -Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architecs  15 October 2016 Director of Hydropolitcs Association Dursun Yıldız made a presentation about New Geopolitics of food in the 21st Century at  the Symposium of World Food Day 2016 in Ankara-Turkey . Mr Yildiz stated that food security is not only  a matter of agriculture but also a matter of  energy ,water and environmental security. This interrelation makes the emerging problem difficult to solve Because of emerging land  grabbing, climate change and weaker economy in less developed countries  , spreading food unrest will likely lead to political instability especially in the African Countries. We could see a breakdown of some political systems. 63 He stressed that “As food supplies have tightened, a new geopolitics of food has emerged. In that brave new world, the global competition for land and water is intensifying and each country is fending for itself.” He concluded his speech  pointing out that” We should try to  stabilize world population, eradicate poverty, reduce excessive meat consumption, and reverse biofuels policies that encourage the use of food, land or water that could otherwise be used to feed people”. 1 HPA News. 62
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