(Em)powering Hydro Diplomacy Conference -5-6 October 2018

I am pleased to invite you to participate in the conference (Em)powering diplomacy
co-organised by Wageningen University, IHE Delft  and the London Water Research Group, with kind support from the CIty of The Hague, the Netherlands. Dates are Friday 5 and Saturday 6 October 2018 in Humanity Hub, a venue within easy reach of Den Haag Central Station.
The conference will facilitate an intensive exchange of ideas on the role of power and empowerment in water conflict and cooperation across borders at multiple levels, focusing on the upcoming domain of 'hydro-diplomacy'..
Whether or not framed in terms of diplomacy, we are keen to read your analysis on water conflict and cooperation. We will try to attract some stories fo the road from water (ex)diplomats to see what it is they really do, but we will also talk about the role of so-called 'new actors' in diplomacy, such as activists/NGOsmultilaterals, mayors, the press, but also science, in Track 1.5-2-3-4 diplomacy (at multiple scales, not just inter-state). Have they changed the game? Or is it all old wine in new skins? How can we make (analyses of) hydrodiplomacy less power.blind?
Please suggest your papers and panels by 10 September latest.
Participation is free of charge. The attached call provides more information.
Hope many of you will be able to make it!
Greatly looking forward to hearing from you - and seeing you in October!
Warm regards
on behalf of the organisers
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