Transboundary Water Conflicts and Cooperation
- 17.11.2024
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Transboundary Water Conflicts and Cooperation
Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over.
Mark Twain, Author
In this chapter, different types of conflicts and cooperation activities
are analysed as related to water quantity, water quality, water ecosystems and
socio-economic issues. Conflicts and cooperation can be developed between
countries but also between regions, water districts and municipalities located in
the same country. International and national water disputes and conflicts are
very much related to different political factors and in some extreme cases may
lead to civil wars or to armed confrontation between countries. Well known
examples of potential transboundary water conflicts and cooperation achievements
are, on the one hand the water conflicts between Israel and its neighbours,
the water disputes in the Nile basin, the Pakistan-India issues over the Indus
River and the Tigris/Euphrates rivers disputes between Turkey, Syria and Irak
and, on the other hand, successful examples of cooperation exist, such as the
Danube and the Rhine river basins in Europe and the Great Lakes between US and
The main objective of this chapter is twofold: first, to recognise water districts
at risk of conflict, to assess and classify different causes and various types of
transboundary conflicts; second, to investigate conflict prevention strategies and
the ways to reverse potential conflicts into cooperation, also mentioning the
paradoxical existence of cooperative situations without any political agreement.
Different tools for conflict management and conflict resolution refer to the so
called water diplomacy or hydro-diplomacy. This includes the international law
and regulatory instruments as well as economic and institutional tools, such as the
international water authorities and river basin commissions.
Keywords Water conflict · Cooperation · Hydro-diplomacy · Negotiation ·
Mediation · Resolution
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