How to manage transboundary waters in a changing climate?
- 14.06.2023
- Author:Dursun Yıldız
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How to manage transboundary waters in a changing climate?
Dursun Yıldız (Msc) Hydropolitics Expert Head of Hydropolitics Academy Center
Transboundary waters account for 60 percent of the world’s freshwater flows. 153 countries have territory within at least one of the transboundary rivers and lake basins; transboundary aquifers underlay almost every country. Transboundary water cooperation is crucial for peace, sustainable development, and regional stability. Climate change can exacerbate water scarcity in transboundary basins, particularly in regions already experiencing water stress. Higher temperatures, increased evaporation rates, and prolonged droughts can reduce water availability, leading to heightened competition and potential conflicts over shared water resources. Therefore it is worthwhile to analyze that how to manage transboundary waters in a changing climate. Keywords: Transboundary waters, Climate change, Introduction The 2015 Paris Agreement to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and SDG both urge countries to collaborate on taking urgent action in combating climate change and its impacts, including both mitigation and adaptation measures. As climate change is expected to alter the desired and actual uses of water, it calls for adaptation measures in water resources management at the national, transboundary and regional scales(1). Types of adaptation measures include legislative and regulatory instruments (e.g. laws, regulations and agreements based on international conventions), financial and market instruments (e.g. licenses, permits and taxes), education and informational instruments (e.g. public awareness campaigns), policy instruments (e.g. intersectoral mechanisms for cooperation and agreement of different sectoral policies, etc.), as well as structural (e.g. flood protection infrastructure) and non-structural (e.g. information exchange and nature-based solutions such as wetland restoration) measures(7). In practice, examples of adaptation measures can range from demand management strategies, including structural changes in the economy (e.g. shift to crops, sectors or technologies using less water), new technical standards (e.g. best available techniques (BAT)), metering and pricing, and introducing other incentives for water-saving and improving water-use efficiency, to trading of water rights(8) and ecosystem conservation and restoration
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