April 27th, 2015
Chris White, AECOM, UK
Water is the most important resource on the planet and without it no human or any other life could survive. Water resources, however, are finite, and in many areas water is becoming increasingly scarce. This scarcity, combined with the many competing uses for water, creates complex choices over how water resources should be allocated.1
In a market economy the allocation of scarce natural resources (such as coal, oil, fish, crops, and timber) is typically determined by trade in markets. However, water resources have a number of unique characteristics which mean that traditional market mechanisms can lead to inefficient and inequitable allocations. This creates questions over whether water should be considered a public or a private good.
Private goods and human rights
One of the most familiar uses of water is at the household level for drinking, gardening, and showering etc. These kind of uses can be described as ‘rival’ in that an individual drinking a glass of water can prevent others from drinking it, and ‘excludable’ in that when it has been consumed nobody else can use it.
Such goods are described as private goods and include clothes, food, cars, books etc. Most private goods are traded in markets so that they are allocated to their highest value uses. However, what makes water unique is that it exists both as a private, marketable good and a basic human right.
Access to safe drinking water and sanitation was declared a ‘human right’ by the UN in 2010.2 As a human right, water cannot be treated the same way as other marketable goods because the transfer of water to those who value it most highly may be morally unacceptable if this transfer means that some people no longer have access to the basic water needed to survive.
However, after basic water needs have been satisfied, additional water use is no longer a basic human right. Households, for example, may use water to fill a swimming pool, water their lawns, or take long showers. As such, when water use exceeds around 50-100 litres per person per day, it becomes a private good and so is best allocated, like other private goods, through markets.3,4,5,6,7
The dual aspects of water as a human right and a private good can be illustrated using indifference curves. Indifference curves show bundles of goods that a consumer values equally. For example, in Figure 1 the consumer would happily substitute a bundle of 10 books and 2 DVDs for 6 books and 4 DVDs.
For most goods it is assumed that different goods can be substituted for one another. However, up until the basic needs for survival are covered, water cannot be substituted for any other good so the slope of the indifference curve is vertical i.e. consumers will not trade water for any amount of other goods (point A in Figure 1). As soon as the basic needs have been met, however, water can be substituted for other goods and so the indifference curve becomes a downward sloping curve, similar to other private goods (point B in Figure 1).
Common-pool resources and negative externalities
In order for a good to be traded there needs to be exclusive property rights which allow it, or access to it, to be transferred from one person to another. However, water in its natural state often doesn’t have clearly defined property rights. Those goods for which property rights do not exist are known as open access resources and the lack of ownership or control of these resources can lead to overuse.
For some open access resources, such as the sun’s radiation, the fact that there are no property rights does not lead to overuse. This is because one person’s use does not prevent or reduce its value to others i.e. they are ‘non-rival’. Overuse can become a serious problem when resources are ‘rival’ so that use of the resource reduces the amount available for others, and also ‘non-excludable’ so that consumers cannot be prevented from using the resource without considerable cost. These resources, such as water can be when in its natural state, are known as common-pool resources.
The overuse of common-pool water resources occurs because each user withdraws the amount of water they require, without fully taking into account the impact this has on the amount of water available to other users.
In a competitive market, for example, the efficient allocation of goods is reached at the point where the market price balances supply against demand. At this point each water abstractor uses a level of water where the additional or marginal benefit to withdrawing an additional unit of water is equal to the cost of withdrawing it. However, unlike in the case of many goods, the use of water can have wider impacts which are not typically reflected in the costs to the user.
For example, if a user withdraws large amounts of water from the environment they are likely to have to pay for the cost of transporting the water. However, this may create costs for other water users which they do not have to pay; such as if less water is available for crop production, fisheries, recreation, or biodiversity.
These external impacts of water use are not typically reflected in market prices. As a result, they are not included in the costs faced by users, so users do not take them into account when deciding how much water to withdraw. These effects are described as negative externalities and they create a ‘wedge’ between the private and social marginal cost of using a resource. Due to these negative externalities, water resources are often undervalued and overused relative to the efficient allocation which includes both private and external costs (see Figure 2).
Club goods and public goods
While the use of water resources can have negative impacts which are not transmitted through market prices, there can also be significant positive externalities such as the human health and development impacts provided by public water infrastructure.
When these benefits are ‘excludable’, such as community based irrigation schemes which only allow members to use water, they are known as club-goods. In practice, however, it is often difficult to exclude individuals from accessing the benefits or water infrastructure once they are implemented. In Cairo, for example, it is estimated that around 40 per cent of sewer connections are illegal.3
In many cases the benefits of water infrastructure projects are both ‘non-rival’ and ‘non-excludable’. For instance, when a dam is built people cannot be prevented from benefiting from the reduced risk of flooding and increasing the number of people who benefit does not affect the availability of the resource. These resources are described as public goods and, once they are provided for one individual, they are available for all.
While club goods may be provided efficiently by private firms who can control access and charge fees, for public goods there is an incentive to wait for others to provide the services then ‘free ride’ once they are established, thereby leading to an under allocation of public goods.
In the case of flood control, for example, suppose there are two private firms which receive different benefits from flood control infrastructure and have to decide how much of this infrastructure they want to purchase. This situation is represented in Figure 3 where the horizontal axis represents the quantity of flood control infrastructure purchased by the firms and the vertical axis represents the cost of purchasing the infrastructure.
In a competitive market, Firm 1 decides to invest in flood control infrastructure up until the point where its demand is equal to the marginal cost (at point Q1 in Figure 3). Since Firm 2 cannot be excluded from receiving the benefits of the level of flood control purchased by Firm 1, they can free ride and receive Q1 units of flood control for free. Firm 2 may then choose to purchase an additional amount of flood control to reach Q2, however, this is still short of the efficient amount, Q3, where market demand is equal to the marginal cost. Thus, unlike for private or club goods where firms receive the benefits of providing them, the public good nature of water infrastructure means that private markets may fail to provide water services efficiently.
In summary, water can be both a public and a private good, as well as somewhere in between (see Figure 4). These characteristics mean that water is not a traditional marketable good and markets can lead to poor allocations of water resources if designed badly. At the same time, certain aspects of water resources can be allocated efficiently by market processes if the unique characteristics of water uses are taken into account.
As such, while markets can be used to allocate water resources, careful design and strong legislation is needed to ensure that the outcomes are both efficient and equitable, and the answer to whether water should be considered a private or a public good depends on the type of resource and its uses.
The aim of this article is to provide a short introduction to some of these issues, a more in-depth discussion can be found in David Zetlands book ‘Living With Water Scarcity’ which can be downloaded freely here.
Grafton et al. (2013), Water Security, Economics, and Governance, Tilde University Press, Melbourne.
United Nations (2010), ‘The human right to water and sanitation’, http://www.un.org/waterforlifedecade/human_right_to_water.shtml
Green, C. (2003), Handbook of Water Economics: Principles & Practice, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester.
Wai Wah Chan, N. (2012), Urban water pricing: Equity and affordability, Global Water Forum http://www.globalwaterforum.org/2012/03/12/urban-water-pricing-equity-and-affordability/
White, C. (2012), Water scarcity pricing in urban centres, Global Water Forum http://www.globalwaterforum.org/2012/02/06/water-scarcity-pricing-in-urban-centres/
Ward, M. & White, C. (2012), Managing residential water demand in the OECD, Global Water Forum http://www.globalwaterforum.org/2012/01/16/managing-residential-water-demand-in-the-oecd/
Ward, M. (2011), Welfare impacts of urban water pricing versus water rationing, http://www.globalwaterforum.org/2011/11/07/welfare-impacts-of-urban-water-pricing-versus-water-rationing/
Shaw, W.D. (2005), Water Resource Economics and Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Chris White is a Senior Environmental Economist at AECOM in London and Managing Editor of the Global Water Forum. This article is based on ‘An introduction to water economics’ in the published volume ‘Water Security, Economics and Economics‘.
Source : Global Water Forum http://www.globalwaterforum.org/2015/04/27/understanding-water-markets-public-vs-private-goods/
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