Systems Thinking and Transdisciplinary Approach for Sustainable Groundwater Management

SUMMARY Social norms direct resource management paradigms. The transition from the current free use or utilitarian resource management paradigms to a sustainable management paradigm will be hindered or advanced depending on societal value perspectives. How resources are managed change with changing perceptions of value, which in turn change with improved knowledge of management options and a deeper understanding of the consequences for the environment, economy, and society. Therefore, the evaluation of community attitudes and expectations with regards to resource management, and the mapping of divergent interests, barriers and stakeholder conflicts, remains imperative to sustainable development (1,2). A system is an interconnected set of elements that is coherently organised in a way that achives something .A key principle of systems is that they are comprised of “elements” or compenents If a transition  towards a sustainable management paradigm is taking place, we would expect there to be measurable improvements in both social engagement and ecological health. In other words, policy changes alone do not seem to have successfully translated into management  improvements so far. It may be suggested that the lack of transdisciplinary understanding of the roles of values and ecological identity in resource management is thwarting the shift in paradigms.   to read full article please click on Systems Thinking and Transdisciplinary Approach for Sustainable Groundwater Management-min (1)

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